Monday, July 5, 2010

Hey there, Mr. Blue

Hello! I hope you all had lovely holidays and, if you don't celebrate, lovely weekends! These photos are actually from yesterday, since today will be filled with running around doing errands and packing for California. I leave Wednesday and I'm a little terrified, but also incredibly excited. I've never been to California, I've never even been on a plane! Anyway, I didn't intend to wear so much blue yesterday. I wanted to go for a more classic look with a white top and seersucker skirt, but I ended up liking this blue top looked with the skirt, not to mention it was super comfortable which was important for a day spent eating BBQ and cupcakes. Majestically, I weighed myself this morning and I'm finally in the 150's! It's I'll come back from vacation eight million pounds. But I feel more like celebrating the now than fretting (which is rare for me). Are you guys going anywhere or taking any fun trips this summer?

Top and skirt: UO, Belt: Delia's, Sandals: Steve Madden, Necklace: Buffalo Exchange

Until tomorrow,
Nicole :)


  1. You're looking great. A lovely blue outfit, love the hair pulled back too!

  2. love your outfit like always love!!! you look beautiful!!! xoxox

  3. Such a cute outfit! I love the skirt!


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