Hello there! Like I mentioned in my last post, New York is super melty hot right now, and I find myself getting up in the morning and just not wanting to get dressed. While I certainly don't want to galavant around in the nude, I don't feel like putting a full fledged outfit together either. So, I've pretty much just been reaching for light, comfy dresses and keeping the styling quite simple, like in this very outfit for example.
For those of you who follow me on twitter, you may have seen that some road raging jerk made obscene gestures at me after I guess I cut him off? I don't even know. But, anyway, it made me cry. A lot. I mean, it's not like this weekend hasn't been easy/lacking stress, and I certainly didn't need a jerk making threatening gestures at a very non-threatening me, but the point is that I got so very upset over it. Things like this happen all the time, but when they happen to me, I tend to take them personally. I've always been an extremely sensitive person. I try to help out whoever I can and when I think I've wronged someone, even a stranger, I feel absolutely terrible. So, when things like this happen, I take them seriously and personally, even though I know I shouldn't. Is anyone else like this? Or am I the lone ranger here? (Fact: I often use the phrase "lone ranger" when I have never even seen the lone ranger character/show/etc).
Oh! Also, the wonderful Vanessa of My Heart Blogged featured me today! So a big thank you to her :)
Dress: Swap with Amber Rose
Hat: Modcloth
Sandals: Nordstrom
Glasses: Mom's
Until tomorrow,