Sunday, March 18, 2012

Oh, Inverted World


These pictures are from Friday, after my spring break had just started. It's really weird having two weeks mostly to myself. I mean, sure I've got books stacked to the ceiling and a pile of papers waiting to be written, but having a break this long is a pretty odd feeling after pushing myself so hard in the past few weeks. Anyway, I've been thoroughly enjoying a lazy weekend of goose-sightings, macaroni eating, Ghost Adventures watching, blanket snuggling, too much napping, 1920's themed cross-stitching, The Shins listening, friend seeing, room cleaning, bus riding, ugly clothes try on-ing, farmers market exploring, fan dusting, stir fry cooking, private dance partying, and all around leisuring. Giving myself the weekend off was a good idea.

Jeans: H&M, Blouse: Urban Outfitters, Cardigan: Salvation Army, Hat&bag, JCPenney, Shoes: Ruche





Until tomorrow,