Hoo-whee, am I tired. So tired that I started this post with the phrase "hoo-whee." I give you permission to judge me. Tonight has been exciting, because I got to see a performance of a play I wrote. It was weird, really weird. Not the play, I mean, (though it was about pickles), but the seeing of it. I hardly ever share my poetry, even with my closest friends. I don't much go to open mics, or poetry readings - situations where I would read my own work. So, to see people acting out a play that I wrote. WOAH, SO WEIRD. To hear my words being spoken(super, super skillfully) from the mouths of two dudes, and to hear people laughing at weird pickle-related jokes I wrote. Weird. If I wasn't so tired I'd do a weird count right now, but my math is bad to begin with, so I'm just going to guess we're at 47 "weirds."
I just remembered that my side-bar self-description over to the left there talks about how I'm not very good with putting myself outside of my comfort zone. For the record, that phrase makes me think of me, in a little circle of light, and then stepping out being surrounded by shadow phantasms with wriggly fingers. Anyway, that is a true statement. So, whenever I do step out into shadow phantasm land, for no matter how long, it gives me this glowy sense of accomplishment, and my little light zone expands with that accomplishment. Sometimes I feel silly, you know. People write plays all the time, read their work aloud all the time, uh, interact with their peers all the time. But really, we all function at our own rate, have our own fears, and feel good about different things. So if I do something I haven't done before, and I feel accomplished from it, that's a good thing. LET US ALL REJOICE AND EAT SOME PICKLES.

So excited!

Until tomorrow,